Uni4orm is an acronym for Uniting New Individual For Opportunities Reach Millions

Our mission is to connect any individual with the resources they need to impact themselves first and then the outside world. Our purpose is to provide the needed resources to aid in the individual growth and transformation both personally and professionally in the home, classroom, as an entrepreneur, and or in the boardroom, starting with the number 1 Asset, Yourself!

Uni4orm Resources aim to empower individuals, entrepreneurs, communities, and businesses by defining, embracing, and sharing their greatness and resources to the world from the inside out.

Tamike Wright- BA, MBA, Catalyst Life Coach

Tamike was born and raised in Flint, MI, and lived in various cities and states while on her journey to self-awareness. Navigated by inner peace, Tamike moved beyond living a dysfunctional and toxic relationship to now living a healthy and functional lifestyle. She experienced the struggle of defining her path amongst society norms. From those struggles, she has identified and aligned her core belief and values to the woman she is now. Her journey brought about self-development, inner and outer growth both personally and professionally. She has over 10+ years aiding and helping others to connect to their core values, self-awareness, healing from past trauma, business conception, and getting out of their way.

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